H.266/VVC, Containers, Banks, Office, EFS, Tutanota, UTF-8

  1. H.266/VVC video encoding (@ fraunhofer.de). It's great that video compressing gets continuously improved. Of course this is required when resolutions and frame rates are going up, similarly computing resources needed for the compression / decompression are exploding.

  2. I wish tab containers would work with Firefox in the private browsing mode. Currently options are normal browsing mode with tab isolation or private browsing mode with no tab isolation. Why those modes simply can't be combined for better privacy?

  3. It's crazy... I wonder if banks and other institutions are similar than some others are. A few guys in hurry, do something and it's put straight into production. I personally would prefer higher standards. Sure this approach also works on some level and is very efficient. But it's kind of scary how important things are handled in "slightly tested" and "educated guess" based code. - Honestly that's scary. But in general, I kind of wish key personnel wouldn't get put in this kind of situation with bad schedules etc. - Yes, they no doubt know them selves that the quality is very iffy. - Well, at least we know that one company is full of such culture, it's called Microsoft. - I guess stuff is rushed at times everywhere, even many industrial, aviation and construction accidents are caused by the same classic reasons.

  4. Microsoft "quality" and "competence". I thought this issue would be over, but it isn't. Microsoft Login / Office365 login is still broken, and it being broken causes serious problems with applications using Microsoft authentication and even belly-ups the local disk encryption (EFS / NTFS). As example, the thing I've been complaining on Twitter. Ie. Firefox losing settings, is combination of s*t code with s*t code: First Microsoft EFS fails to decrypt Firefox data files (Under Home Directory). Then Firefox replaces the profile files as "corrupted" with new files automatically. - Practically deleting all your browser settings etc. - Thank you for that! - Btw. this broken version of Windows has been now out for 5 months and essential s*t like this won't get fixed. Good work, absolutely amazing! Btw. That also often prevents handling some files, without rebooting the system several times. Yes, for some reason even if the files are tied to local account, those fail to decrypt if the Microsoft Account (s*t!) isn't working. - This is like the Ubuntu 20.04 distribution upgrade, nothing is better than every morning for a week to start day with stuff which is deeply enraging and broken. - Guess why my main system is still running 18.04 LTS. - Outlook also keeps creating new .nst (s*t) files, I just deleted 184 stale files. - Also Outlook and Teams work unreliably etc. Absolute c*p code! Messages are left undelivered, new messages won't show up, etc.

  5. After investigating the EFS encryption fail stuff bit more, it seems that the last Windows 2004 update generated new EFS encryption keys, which are linked to Microsoft (b*s*!) cloud. -> If cloud (s*t) isn't working, then also local files are inaccessible, because those are encrypted using the cloud credentials. - Great job! - Also Teams constantly fails to work with attachments, and incorrectly claims that I don't have access to files, which are especially shared for me.

  6. After all these issues, the only sane conclusion (?) is, that you must be just bit stupid, if you're using Microsoft products. - Unfortunately this isn't my choice, except for my personal email, which I'm also really sick'n'tired repeatedly. I would use Tutanota, if they just would be able to implement really challenging protocol (for their engineers I mean) called IMAP4.

  7. Not enough ranting yet? It's year 2020, and I just had a long discussions about character encoding that should be use, and test related to it. Go UTF-8 (@ Wikipedia) yourself!

  8. After thinking and testing a lot, I came up with decision that there's no need for permanent containers in the browser. All clean new tab sessions is the best way to go. Using this approach every new navigation looks like a completely fresh browser session and all cookies, etc are lost. Making cross service tracking impossible. Disabling disk cache and history saving also keeps browsing data from getting stored to disk. Bonus from this approach is that, you can login to same site using several different set of credentials simultaneously in parallel tabs. Because the site doesn't know you're already logged in. In some case that's also just annoying.
