Robocopy, Teams, Spies, Caddy, iperf3, Multefire

  • Robocopy doesn't allow option where it would first copy files and then delete extra files. In most of cases it doesn't matter if deletion happens first, during or after copying. But in some cases it's beneficial to first copy new data, and then delete old data. Especially in situations where there's data set which needs to be complete. If the process is aborted, the set might be badly broken, unless the update order is correct. - Sure it's a niche case, but rsync and rclone both naturally do support these options.
  • Open doors day. It wasn't our office, but one office near by. The door was left open for a night. I just walked in, took a few photos and walked out. But just as well, I could have stolen everything with a van and a few guys. - Smart move to leave doors open like that. - Security as usual. Nobody gives a flying bleep.
  • More bugs in crappy Teams client. When you paste links to chat, links are broken. You'll need to change to another chat and then back to the chat, and then the links are highlighted and working. I don't know what kind of engineering talent MS got, but clearly they don't have any. - Microsoft Teams is losing some more messages. Bloated huge piece of crabs or something.
  • Bloomberg story about the spy chips - Unexpected? Not at all. I guess the US is especially so worried about such technology, because they've been them selves doing it for a long time. It takes one to know one. The article didn't contain anything incredible, at least to me it seemed more like what's expected.
  • After running so many servers, reminded my-self again about Google's, Microsoft's and Amazon's Serverless technologies. Yet there's no serverless, it's just somebody else's computer / server.
  • Disk reliability, once again. One drive which was used mostly for logs. It's almost never read except for the file allocation tables, the data isn't being read. I decided to test the drive, and well, it's broken. It happily writes to all sectors of the disk, but most of the sectors are unreadable after the writes. Because the file system didn't use these sectors, everything seemed to be ok, unless being properly tested. If you've got this kind of drive as second drive on RAID1 it might be pretty nasty surprise that when the drive 1 fails, you can't read most of the data from the mirror. So much fun for everyone. That's why everyone should have proper backups.
  • Studied Caddy Server documentation in detail. It's interesting web server written in Go. Maybe I'll use it for my light development server just out of curiosity. I think I'll be going with PaaS or Serverless stuff for a while. Because I kind of like simplicity for many simple tasks. Yet, even with those solutions, it's likely that you'll need to modify your application as older technologies you're using are getting deprecated and on cloud, that happens much faster than on traditional solutions. I also slightly dislike commercial software, when similar or better open source is available.
  • Added regular iperf3 result logging to monitor performance of some network connections.
  • Duplicati still fails with latest canary. All repair options are more or less broken. Test, Repair, List-Broken-Files and Purge-Broken-Files. Test fails, but there's no way to remedy the situation, other than deleting everything and starting backup set from clean slate. Restore keeps failing, even if backing up the data shows deceptively that it's all good. - Program logic is still very seriously lacking and restore fails. - Things like this, are the exact reason why the software shouldn't be used in production. It's misleading, deceptive and dangerous. - Note! This post is from backlog, current versions are much better.
  • Reminded my self about technology from three different manufacturers (chipsets) in case it's required.
  • Multefire technology @ Wikipedia - Studied new Multefire Alliance @ Official Site offered by Nokia. Which is based on running LTE on 5G unlicensed and shared spectrum.
  • Compared B2, OVH Object Storage and Scaleway Object storage. It seems that the ScaleWay is my favorite so far. It was trivial to setup and everything worked perfectly on first try.
