PyParallel, Mobile OS, HTML5 & Native,, par2 MT, Threema, RESTful

Post date: Nov 18, 2013 5:07:01 PM

  • Watched nice talk about PyParallel. It contained quite much good information and new information for me. Especially the history of parallel I/O was interesting. The part he's talking about how to efficiently remove threading limitations caused by Pythons Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) was very interesting.
  • Had some issues with one project and it's quasi real-time data transfer. Therefore I coded additional monitoring process which sends alerts to admin team when ever there's data latency that exceeds predefined threshold. Seems to be working well, and it revealed things that nobody seemed to have been thinking about earlier.
  • Quich check on new mobile operating systems: Ubuntu Touch, Sailfish OS, Firefox OS.
  • Spent hours reading about developer platforms for accessing native interfaces using HTML5 using Crosswalk and Apache Cordova.
  • Wondered and quickly tested and smiled about AWS Workspaces. Well, that's what I've been working and playing with, but just with traditional Remote Desktop Scheme, hosted on powerful cloud servers. VDI is still too inefficient and expensive.
  • Checked out again - After all it doesn't look like too much different from using Sandboxie on Windows platform as a concept, except you can user prefabricated application containers. Just like ready VirtualBox images, only using technically lighter isolation solution. Nothing new? Except of course useful standardization of this technology.
  • Looked at AppScale 1.12.0 release notes. I'm still wondering how compatible AppScale is and how much porting work it might require.
  • Read this really nice post about non-blocking transactional atomicity.
  • Got sick'n'tired about how slow par2 was on my new computer. I had to find solution, and I did. Here's multi-threading 64 bit par2. Yes, it's much much faster than the default version in Ubuntu repos.
  • Quickly checked out secure(?) instant messanger Threema. Seems to be quite useful and at least does look secure, of course true security is different story than documentation saying it's secure.
  • Thoughtfully read this article about RESTful API best practices.