NoSQL, Backup, Avro, DB, DPO

  • Thank You for Your Help NoSQL, but We Got It from Here. This article happens to sum it up pretty well. Nothing to add. Anyway, it's good to remember that "NoSQL" databases in history, usually provided something very similar to SQL but just not using SQL command language. Instead those used own syntax. So NoSQL in that sense doesn't mean anything. As example many ORMs use this tradition, alternate way of defining query requirements, which are then converted to SQL (or any other similar requirements for the engine). GQL is just small subset of SQL but it's interestingly similar for the key parts. Also Peewee ORM doesn't use SQL, but limited subset of it. Yet the requirements are translated into SQL query. Also interestingly MongoDB implemented multi document transaction. And interesting experimental mashups like rqlite. Also nice thoughts about Schemaless and Non-SQL Syntax for Query. NewSQL , MemSQL. Consistency vs Performance, CAP theorem.
  • Lot's of backup discussion. It's surprising how many people don't use backups at all. Or don't demand backups. Then when something happens, they're shocked. Shocked about what, they just were waiting for the inevitable to happen.
  • Apache Avro - Played a bit with Google Cloud Spanner and Apache Avro, import / export JSON formats & tools with Python (avro-python3).
  • Good post by Backblaze about - Cloud Storage Durability. Nothing new in that post. Interesting part here was, that the failed drive processing wasn't fully automated to begin with. - But what about aspects like sabotage, physical attack, air strike, some huge environmental disaster, etc. Oh, they did mention the aspects that I immediately thought the "Acts of God", it doesn't matter if your data center is secure and reliable, if it gets totally wiped out. Also they didn't mention if they have real time mirroring to alternate continent(s), they just mention multiple data centers. As far as I know, they don't. Following discussion about these matters, of course tracked all of these risk scenarios.
  • Had a long discussion about integration and business processes in general. Sure, every "company" and process is "different". But when you learn more about how things work, those aren't that different after all. Similar learning curve applies to so many things. First it seems, it's simple, then it seems extremely complex. But when you have enough experience, you'll can easily group the "extremely complex exceptions" into groups and after that those aren't that different after all. It's like how chess players easily remember the whole board, because many of the buttons are often strategically located. If you randomize the content of chess board, they probably can't do it anymore.
  • Someone claimed that you can't backup SQLite3 databases with Python . That's invalid claim, of course you can. Ref: sqlite3.backup
  • Reminded my self about IEEE - 802.11ad (WiGig) and 802.11ai.
  • There were some news about development of mobile driver's license application. I just somehow deeply hate projects like this. Question is why, why, why. Thinking right to drive, as drivers license (as document) is so retarded point to begin with. Same applies to many other legacy 'physical document' based approaches. Does directly into crap junk app category.
  • Summer reading: Comprehensive Data Protection Officer (DPO) guide book, finished.
  • Something different? Summer reading: VIP protection tactics and Security Risk Assessment (SRA), LIAR, Defensive Driving Techniques, High Security Covert operations, Protection Escort Team (PET), FPU, PPO, CAT, PC, LC, PV, RC, SC. Protection Strategy, Site meetings, Briefing. Direct Protection, Mobile protection, Static protection.
